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Synthetic collection generation

s193396 requested to merge synthetic_objects into main

Refactoring of synthetic blob generation

  • Created new generate module in library and corresponding page in the documentation
  • Moved generate_volume function from qim3d/utils/ to qim3d/generate/, and re-named function to blob
  • Moved overlay_rgb_images function from qim3d/utils/ to qim3d/processing/
  • Optimized qim3d.generate.blob function with vectorized approach for faster computations
  • Added auto_clip boolean parameter for allowing automatic threshold computation to ensure blobs without straight cuts

Implementation of synthetic collection generation

  • Created new collection function in the generate module (qim3d/generate/, and corresponding page in the documentation
  • The collection function generates and returns a 3D volume with a collection of blobs from specified parameter ranges, along with a connected components CC object. Blobs are placed without overlap, and can either be placed randomly or at specific positions within the collection.

Merge request reports